Sunday, July 01, 2007

We are camping.....

Well her we are at the lake..and having a good time. I caught a huge carp..about 20lbs.. of course no camera with us to take a picture...No one around here eats them..but I went on line and they don't sound too bad. He was fun to catch though...had my little pole bent way over..It's great to have wi-fi here... We never expected it..sometimes it works and sometimes it don't but hey its better than we have before.. I'm adding couple of is of Oscar.. we are on the ferry crossing Lake Roosevelt...and the sky picture is what I saw as we were leaving the lake area..can you see the dove? Well that's all for now... Artsy things I've done is just a little knitted makeup bag..I hope to paint some later..I did pick-up a big stack of sheet music at a antique store..most is hand written and kind of neat..

1 comment:

Bimbimbie said...

Hi Judy - glad you looked up and had your camera at the ready - wonderful photo *!* I Just spotted Kookie-Bird too on your earlier post *!*