Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New postcards received

green from Kim in New York

purple from Marylee in California
red from Jo in Florida

I received 3 postcards in the mail today..They are from a new group that I joined..its a branch of the art2mail group. the one I'm in is called artcards22. I have sent off the 8, the funky ones of me being the Queen of Everything. I still have a dozen or so to make. But here it is 8:30 and I haven't done much but read blogs and do my own. I still have to go to work..in the morning. A friend at work is leaving and going to another job.. I will miss her but we will keep in touch.(right Lee?)I keep thinking just a few more years and I can retire and spend my day..blogging..fiberarting...(is that a word ?), quilting.etc...I never thought I would look forward to getting old. Well going to post the pictures of the postcarrds. Thats all for now folks...

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